ADBE en-US Fri, 24 Jan 2025 09:30:20 +0000 OJS 60 THE IMPACT OF SPACE LAYOUT ON PERSONAL SPACE AT C2O LIBRARY & COLLABTIVE <p><em>This article explores the impact of the space layout at C2O Library &amp; Collabtive on personal space, which is a psychological concept of the physical space needed by individuals to feel comfortable and safe. Through observational and qualitative research methods, this study explores how factors such as the space shape, the space size, and the furniture layout can influence a person's perception and experience of personal space. The results show that a well-organized space layout that pays attention to individuals' personal space needs can improve their psychological well-being, while a space layout that lacks such attention can result in discomfort and stress. The outcome of this research reveals the necessity of space layout and furniture layout that consider aspects of personal space can create an environment that supports the mental and emotional well-being of individuals.</em></p> Novia Umaroh, Maritza Areta Palwono, Muhammad Hafizh Al-Farizi, Putra Mahardika Tuahuns, Ami Arfianti Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIAL IDENTITY DIFFERENCES PHENOMENA IN BLAURAN STREET AND TANJUNG ANOM STREET, SURABAYA <p><em>The identity of an area is reflected through its physical artifacts and social activities. Two nearby locations with weak boundaries typically have similar identities because territorial identities can overlap. An interesting phenomenon occurs between Jl. Blauran-3 and Jl. Tanjung Anom, a continuous road with contrasting spatial meanings. This study examines the differences in social proximity between Jl. Blauran-3 and Jl. Tanjung Anom and their implications for urban resilience. Despite their proximity, significant differences in social interaction are observed. Using qualitative methods, literature review, field observation, and Pattern Language concept analysis, the study finds that a clear area identity, shared goals, and regular social activities enhance social proximity on Jl. Blauran. Conversely, Jl. Tanjung Anom faces challenges in social proximity due to a lack of clear area identity and defined boundaries. The conclusion is that supportive spatial and social factors not only create close-knit communities but also enhance urban resilience. High social proximity strengthens social networks and community cohesion, essential elements in facing urban challenges. This study provides insights for urban planners to create spaces that support social interaction and improve urban resilience.</em></p> Dionisius Anggarda Hanjaya Prabowo, Rully Damayanti Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF GATED SPACE IN SURABAYA CITY ON THE SOCIAL RESILIENCE OF THE CITY <p><em>According to Henri Lefebvre's third space theory, "contested space" refers to the struggle for and defense of space. This study, carried out in Surabaya, looks at the causes of third spaces' formation. While some people informally settle in the observed location, resulting in locals barricading their homes. Because of their separation, these disparate traits create barriers that erode social ties. The study uses qualitative methods to gather data on the contested space phenomenon, such as literature reviews and field surveys. Results describe the processes that give rise to contentious places. Based on observations, homeowners build barriers to provide security from strangers or undesired infiltration due to differences in socioeconomic position, which erodes social interactions. According to this study, social segregation in contentious public spaces might reduce a city's social resilience. As a result, social contacts among individuals become less meaningful, which has an effect on Surabaya resilience. The study concludes that contested spaces in public places impair social resilience, which affects Surabaya by causing social segregation and a decline in the quality of social interactions. The goal of the project is to improve knowledge of this phenomenon and increase awareness of how crucial social interaction is to the social resilience of cities.</em></p> Sebastianus Emillio , Rully Damayanti Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF FACTORS CAUSING DIFFERENCES LAND PRICES AND THEIR MAPPING IN SOUTH TANGERANG <p><em>The skyrocketing price of land in Jakarta means that people are now starting to look for land and property in South Tangerang. Currently, a post-suburbanization phenomenon is also taking place where activities are not focused on the city of Jakarta because the buffer area of ​​Jakarta has started to build an independent town. One example is the city of South Tangerang which is currently experiencing massive regional development. With the development of this area, land prices in South Tangerang have also increased. The South Tangerang region itself has experienced significant regional development due to intervention by private developers, where 70% of the city area is controlled by private developers. The high and low prices of land can also be influenced by hedonic theory which includes 3 factors, namely environmental factors, facility factors, and public perception. In this theory, environmental factors include affordability of access and completeness of infrastructure. The facility factor consists of the completeness of facilities in the area ranging from education, health, places of worship, and shopping centers. These two factors will then create a perception in society that can influence land prices in an area.</em></p> Anastacia Kuse Maharani Sogemaking, Surya Gunanta Tarigan Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY OF GENDERIZATION PUBLIC SPACE ON URBAN RESILIENCE AT THE RIVERBANK OF PEMUDA IN SURABAYA <p>The resilience of a city is affected by the integrity of a public space, from the perspective of activity and user the higher the permeability of a space then the better the resilience of a city. According to Lefebvre a theorist, a space's essence can be understood via the physical, concept, and history of that space. The aim of this project is to observe the phenomenon of genderization of a public space in the riverbank of&nbsp; Pemuda Bridge&nbsp; in Surabaya where it is found to be dominated by men’s activity. The method will use a qualitative approach involving a literature review and field observation where the phenomenon of gendered space occurs at the foot of Jembatan Pemuda. The result of this literature study is to determine the criteria that influence from individual users of spatial gendering, namely masculinity characteristics, as well as the quality of space in environmental factors&nbsp; It is evident that during field observations, spatial gendering occurs due to the limited use of space by male gender only. It is proven via the observation that the spatial genderization is only used by the male gender. This ofcourse happens because the quality of that space gives off a more fearful, uncomfortable, dangerous, and a tents feeling that is shown by the characterization of a male gender. The conclusion is that the emergence of social segregation does not form intentionally because of genderization space itself. With that, it is hoped that readers will received more knowledge about the effect of spatial segregation from the genderization of a public space of a city.</p> Natasya Michelle Vania, Rully Damayanti Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY OF INCLUSIVITY OF DUKUH ATAS AREA FACILITIES FOR USERS WITH PHYSICAL DISABILITIES AS A TRANSIT-ORIENTED AREA <p><em>Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas prioritize transferring modes to increase regional mobility. Therefore, this area is expected to be accessible to all people, including people with physical disabilities. To study the fulfillment of facilities for people with physical disabilities, researchers stated that the Dukuh Atas Area is the earliest TOD area and has the most modes in Indonesia. The study was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method and the Universal Design theory as the main theory, which includes 7 aspects; Equal use, flexible use, easy and intuitive use, easy-to-understand information, having tolerance for errors, low energy use, and size and space for appropriate use, and its application in the Dukuh Atas Area. The study stated that the facilities implemented were inclusive, but had not been applied evenly.</em></p> Cecilia Angelica Salim, Issa Samichat Ismail Tafridj Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 TYPOLOGY OF PORTUGUESE FORTRESS AS PART OF SITUATIONAL DEFENSE SYSTEM <p><em>Jepara is the capital of Jepara regency as well as the center of government and economy of Jepara Regency. The Portuguese Fort is one of the places that is a reminder of the Portuguese colonization in Indonesia in the past. This fort serves to supervise Dutch ships passing in the sea around the fort, as soon as a Dutch ship passes, it will be fired upon by Portuguese troops. But after being abandoned by the Portuguese, this fortress was used by the Japanese as a sea reconnaissance site. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship of situational defense architecture to the spatial typology found in the Portuguese Fort. This study uses a qualitative analysis method with data collection on pre-existing literature studies related to the existence of the Portuguese Fort. The results of this study show that the typology of the Portuguese Fort has been in accordance with the situational defense system from the physical shape of the fortress that is typical of the coastal area so that it needs to be used as a cultural heritage site because its existence is important for the history of Jepara.</em></p> Andhini Widyaning Widyaning , Arum Alifia H, Fadilla Ayu P, Risma Zuhriyatun N Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 USE OF COCONUT POWDER WASTE FOR MANUFACTURING INTERIOR ELEMENTS <p><em>Indonesia is the largest producer of coconuts, producing around 18 million tons of coir annually. However, only about 3% of this production is utilized annually. In fact, coconut fiber has a variety of extraordinary benefits that can be used in various industries. One example is that coconut powder can be used to create aesthetic elements in the interior. Coconut fiber (Coco fiber) is a coconut waste that produces coconut powder, which is the result of processing coconut fibers into CFB and CFS. These products produce supporting materials in the interior that can be implemented into the interior scope which can be processed into wallpaper, floors, ceilings and furniture covers. This research shows that coconut coir waste can produce commercial products that have high potential value. This research uses an experimental method with a trial of making renewable (sustainable) products. This paper aims to disseminate new discoveries about the innovation of making materials from coconut powder waste, so that this information can be spread more widely and encourage more effective, innovative, and environmentally friendly utilization.</em></p> Linda Happy Anabella, R.A Ayu Firdausi Novira Rachman Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF RESILIENCE ARCHITECTURE PRINCIPLES IN SEED BANK BUILDINGS AS A MEANS OF FOOD CRISIS PREVENTION <p><em>The food crisis has emerged as a major challenge in several regions and can spread widely, especially with the uncertainty of climate change, economic fluctuations and rapid population growth. In facing this challenge, the concept of resilience emerged as an approach to strengthen the resilience of the food system and architectural design played a role, where Seed Bank buildings functioned as a means to store valuable plant seeds to restore ecosystems and biodiversity. This research aims to assess the extent to which resilience architectural principles are applied in various Seed Bank designs across Europe., namely the Svalbard Global Seed Bank and the Millennium Seed Bank. This study employs the Dynamic Mixed Methods research approach, utilizing a Paired Comparison Rating Scale to compare various building and spatial elements/components that meet the established indicator criteria. The research findings will demonstrate how resilience architecture principles are holistically applied in the design of Seed Bank Buildings, encompassing aspects such as Efficiency and Effectiveness, Eco-tech and Sustainability, Durability, and Flexibility. This study can provide valuable guidance and comparisons for building a safe, efficient, and sustainable Seed Bank in Indonesia to overcome the food crisis that may occur in Indonesia in the future.</em></p> Dyli Tiara Jatra, Fiky Nur Fadhila Rohmah, Happy Faradita Z. A, Moch. Hanif Maulana, Anas Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 M BLOC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE PLANNING WITH PLACEMAKING APPROACH <p><em>&nbsp;When it comes to designing areas that have been deemed inadequate in their management of public spaces, placemaking offers a balanced solution to maximize the synergy spatial quality and human quality Public spaces are at the core of any community, and placemaking encourages individuals to rethink and reshape them as a whole. Collaboration in placemaking in public areas may also help individuals feel more connected to the settings they utilize on a daily basis. Any area where the public congregate, alone or in gatherings, is considered public space. Located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, M Bloc Space is one of the public areas that hosts community events and attracts a lot of people. </em><em>Locals and tourists alike use M Bloc Space on their way to or from Blok M. The precise reasons that lead M Bloc Space to have such high visitor interest have not been thoroughly investigated. In order to get a better grasp of the idea of creating public spaces using a place-making approach, we decided to examine how M Bloc Space's public spaces were designed utilizing the notion of place-making. This research was prompted by the very presence of M Bloc Space. In an attempt to comprehend the concept's applicability, this research used techniques of literature review analysis and object observation via relevant video or photographs shared on the internet. The study's findings reveal that the M Bloc Space area's effectiveness as a public space is attributed to four factors: 1) its strategic location, 2) the fact that it reaches its target users, 3) its great accessibility, and 4) the constant and meticulous upkeep of the area.</em></p> Hilda Kamila, Aditya Pratama, Asti Sri Ananta, Rosiana Malinda Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 RESILIENCE OF COLONIAL ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS IN THE LAWANG SEWU BUILDING <p><em>Lawang Sewu is a historical building located in the city of Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. The existence of this building is inseparable from the historical development of Semarang City. During the Dutch colonial period, the building was used as the office of a railway company. These buildings were connected by a long corridor called the "thousand doors." The architectural style of Lawang Sewu uses Colonial Architecture characterized by the use of gables on the building's facade and curved ornaments. Architectural resilience refers to the ability of architectural elements to withstand and adapt to changes in the environment, both physically, socially, and economically. This study aims to analyze the resilience of Lawang Sewu in maintaining its architectural style in the modern era. The research method used is qualitative literature study by collecting literature data from various sources about Lawang Sewu building. In the midst of this situation, Lawang Sewu, a historical building in Semarang, Central Java, emerges as an important example in the effort to build cultural resilience.</em></p> Abdurrobbi Izzata , Fernanda Dwi Ardiyanto, Haris Alizzar Shanzani, Muhammad Allam Fauzan, Rafif Aydin Ahmad, Yusvika Ratri Harmunisa Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 STUDY OF ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE IN THE COMPLEX OF BALAI PEMUDA SURABAYA FROM THE COLONIAL PERIOD TO THE PRESENT <p><em>The complex of Balai Pemuda or which is now better known as the Surabaya City Hall is one of the cultural reserve buildings that to this day is still preserved its originality. The building has a rather thick historical value, designed by a Dutch architect named Westmaes in the early 20th century and is still in use today. As the age evolves, the complex of Balai Pemuda must also be able to adapt to the change in both the shape of the façade, the use of its interior and exterior spaces, as well as the use and functionality of the building itself. The aim of this study is to see how this complex of Balai Pemuda applies an adaptive architecture that follows the times and can still preserve the historical value of its buildings. Including mapping and identifying patterns of adaptive approaches from the past to the present. This research will use qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Data harvesting from this research will use direct field observation techniques, internet searching and also literature studies as support. The data collected later will be analyzed in a descriptive way, so that the final results of the research so the Balai Pemuda as a cultural reserve retains its historical value by implementing the principles of adaptive architecture.</em></p> Irvan Kurniawan, Dika Kusuma Perdhana, Luthfi Wahyu Ramadhan, Anas Hidayat Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE ROLE OF ARCHITECTURE AS A STRESS REDUCER IN THE CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN UPN “VETERAN” JAWA TIMUR <p><em>Stress among students in educational environments is a major problem that reduces their enthusiasm and productivity. Architecture, as a scientific discipline within the field of building planning and design, has the potential to play a role in the design of indoor and outdoor spaces as stress reducers in the campus environment. Efforts to increase the mental resilience of students to reduce stress levels and increase their productivity are being made by designing elements and designs that contribute to a more relaxed and productive campus environment, including spatial layout, colour, furniture and decoration to reduce students' stress levels. The subject of this research focuses on architecture students at the Faculty of Architecture and Design UPN "Veteran" East Java. The research was conducted to find out the architectural factors that affect the mental health of students in a campus environment that makes their productivity decrease. Knowing the role of architecture itself in creating a comfortable campus environment for students due to the stress of the campus environment is the main objective of this research. The method used is qualitative through observation and interview. The results of this study show that each architectural element in the campus environment affects the atmosphere of the room, and plays an important role as a stress reducer for students. </em></p> Nasywa Anindya Puspa, Kamila Jastisia Jasmin, Naremdra Manggala, Zahrah Khairunnisa, Muhammad Thorif Yudha Syahbana, Yusvika Ratri Harmunisa Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF PERSONAL SPACE ON VISITOR ACTIVITIES IN APSARI PARK SURABAYA <p><em>The Analysis about&nbsp; the concept of personal space in Taman Apsari Surabaya is a relevant study in understanding the impact of design and spatial arrangement on visitor experiences in achieving a comfortable and calming personal space in a densely populated urban environment. This research aims to identify the concept of personal space in enhancing the level of satisfaction and quality of life of the local community. The research methods used include visitor surveys, field observations, and spatial design analysis. The results show that the concept of personal space in Taman Apsari Surabaya has the potential to provide significant benefits for visitors in terms of relaxation, social interaction, and mental well-being. However, there are several challenges that need to be addressed, including better management of visitor density, more flexible spatial arrangements, and improved accessibility for all segments of society. The application of this research can be used as a reference for the improvement of urban park design and management in the future, focusing on creating an inclusive, sustainable environment that supports the holistic well-being of urban communities.</em></p> Alfian Rizkyananda Amrullah, Mochammad Hanif Firmansyah, Luqman Hakim, Aldi Candra Ferdiansyah, Muchammad Widadul Ummah Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Mon, 30 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF THE CONCEPT OF PERSONAL SPACE IN THE PUBLIC AREA IN THE UPN "VETERAN" CANTEEN OF EAST JAVA <p><em>Personal space is personal space that is perceived as far-close, wide-narrow, comfortable-disturbed. Personal space is very important for every individual in building social relationships, individuals will feel comfortable interacting using certain spaces. Personal space makes individuals feel at the right distance when interacting with other individuals. In the UPN "Veteran" East Java canteen, there are many kinds of students with different personalities. Like students who like to socialize, they will be happy to sit wherever they are, even if they have to be with strangers. However, students who find it difficult to socialize will choose where to sit or even just buy food and leave the canteen. This research uses a qualitative method where researchers carry out direct observations. The aim of this research was to obtain a design where every user can enjoy and feel comfortable while in the canteen. This underscores the importance of considering individual preferences in design to create a comfortable and inclusive social environment for all users.</em></p> Ami Arfianti, Dhuha Septalia, Lilis Sugiharti, Muhammad Rizqi Dhuhri, Siti Nur Azizah Apri Lianti, Fadilah Nur Safitri Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE: A CASE STUDY OF POST-PANDEMIC HOUSING CHANGES <p><em>After the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, the lifestyle of the community has changed significantly. The emergence of the pandemic has highlighted the importance of housing adaptations that support a healthy lifestyle for the community. This study begins by identifying architectural designs that consider health factors. Some aspects that need to be fulfilled to achieve post-pandemic adaptable housing include adequate and open ventilation, as well as room layouts that position toilets at the front area to meet post-pandemic needs. The aim of this research is to determine architectural adaptation strategies, optimal spatial layouts, and the differences in housing functions by applying modern concepts to achieve health-friendly homes. The research methods used are qualitative and comparative, involving the collection of analyses from relevant sources such as articles, urban planning reports, and participatory observations in residential environments, supported by comparing various situations to identify differences, similarities, or emerging patterns in architectural adaptation. The study found changes in space flexibility, space needs, air circulation. It also offers innovative design solutions to meet and address the need for health-friendly housing.</em></p> Tracce Marquita, Nabila Imka, Efrata Pramita, Alifya Alsya, Fawwas Az-shara, Yusvika Ratri Harmunisa Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF GREEN OPEN SPACES ON USER HAPPINESS IN APSARI PARK SURABAYA <p><em>The COVID-19 pandemic has changed perspectives in public space design, creating new challenges that require innovation to adapt post-pandemic. In Indonesia, adjusting to this situation calls for creative thinking in designing open-space architecture, especially urban parks crucial for community well-being. This research aims to understand the influence of green open-space design on user comfort and happiness at Apsari Park, Surabaya, as a response to the post-pandemic impact on social interaction and community welfare. Through comprehensive research methods including field observations, interviews, and document analysis, data were collected to grasp user perceptions and experiences. The research findings emphasize the importance of factors such as diverse vegetation composition, ergonomic spatial arrangements, easy accessibility, and varied recreational facilities in enhancing user comfort and happiness. In-depth analysis shows that effective integration of green open-space design not only creates a physically comfortable environment but also affects visitors' psychological well-being, increasing feelings of happiness, relaxation, and connection with nature. Hopefully, this study's results can guide future health architecture designs effectively.</em></p> Achmad Najma Irdiansyah, Daffa Maulidia Artanti, Shania Zahra Rizqitta Sulaiman, Ravinda Arga Wijaya, Tsanya Kamila Syawalita, Yusvika Ratri Harmunisa Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 HISTORICAL AND FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN ARCHITECTURE: CASE STUDY OF VREDEBURG FORT YOGYAKARTA <p><em>Yogyakarta has grown in line with the progress of time and technology. Vredeburg Fort, located in the center of Yogyakarta City, was originally built as a defense fort and served as a surveillance fortress constructed by the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie. In order to examine its history and functionality, this research was conducted using a comprehensive analysis method, including a case study of the building through historical literature studies, field observations, and architectural analysis of Vredeburg Fortress. The analysis results indicate that functionally, Vredeburg Fort has shifted from a defense fortress and observation tower to a museum storing historical items, particularly those related to Yogyakarta City. However, historically, Vredeburg Fortress still retains its history both in terms of visible architectural features and written records. This research contributes to the examination of the shift in function of the fortress from its original military stronghold to a cultural center and museum.</em></p> Novia Romadhonita, Indah Rachmalia Copyright (c) 2025 ADBE Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000