
  • Hilda Kamila Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
  • Aditya Pratama Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur
  • Asti Sri Ananta
  • Rosiana Malinda


Placemaking Approach, Public Space, M Bloc Space


 When it comes to designing areas that have been deemed inadequate in their management of public spaces, placemaking offers a balanced solution to maximize the synergy spatial quality and human quality Public spaces are at the core of any community, and placemaking encourages individuals to rethink and reshape them as a whole. Collaboration in placemaking in public areas may also help individuals feel more connected to the settings they utilize on a daily basis. Any area where the public congregate, alone or in gatherings, is considered public space. Located in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, M Bloc Space is one of the public areas that hosts community events and attracts a lot of people. Locals and tourists alike use M Bloc Space on their way to or from Blok M. The precise reasons that lead M Bloc Space to have such high visitor interest have not been thoroughly investigated. In order to get a better grasp of the idea of creating public spaces using a place-making approach, we decided to examine how M Bloc Space's public spaces were designed utilizing the notion of place-making. This research was prompted by the very presence of M Bloc Space. In an attempt to comprehend the concept's applicability, this research used techniques of literature review analysis and object observation via relevant video or photographs shared on the internet. The study's findings reveal that the M Bloc Space area's effectiveness as a public space is attributed to four factors: 1) its strategic location, 2) the fact that it reaches its target users, 3) its great accessibility, and 4) the constant and meticulous upkeep of the area.




How to Cite

Kamila, H. ., Pratama, A. ., Ananta, A. S., & Malinda, R. . (2025). M BLOC SPACE PUBLIC SPACE PLANNING WITH PLACEMAKING APPROACH. ADBE, 4(1), 1–15. Retrieved from https://ica.upnjatim.ac.id/index.php/adbe/article/view/80